Image courtesy Steve Hart Photographics - A picture speaks a thousand words - George was overjoyed after winning the Slipper.
The word “retirement” is not in George Altomonte’s vocabulary. The sprightly 83 year old is almost as busy today as he was in the 60’s when he was building a huge car dealership network.
George talks of childhood days at his father’s market garden and the little automotive workshop he started at age 20.
Today he controls ten car dealerships on Sydney’s North Side, an extensive property development portfolio, and rural properties including his famous Corumbene Stud.
George likes to “sell the colts” and “keep the fillies” from his breeding operation. One of his fillies, Overreach, gave her owner the thrill of a lifetime by winning the 2013 Golden Slipper.
(Banner image courtesy Steve Hart Photographics - George’s proudest moment in racing - holding the trophy for the 2013 Golden Slipper.)
Image courtesy Steve Hart Photographics - George loves a horse sale - pictured here with Toby Frazer and Vin Cox.